Tuesday 4 November 2014

Evangelical Christian Group’s New Aliyah Effort Raises Jewish Concerns

The largest evangelical Christian group publicly supporting Israel is preparing to assume a mission that lies at the heart of the Zionist philosophy – the promotion, funding and implementing of mass aliyah, or immigration, of significant numbers of Jews to Israel from their native countries.

On October 6, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews will begin its own separate aliyah operation, directed by Israel’s former top official in charge of the issue, and funded by millions of dollars donated by American evangelical Christians.
Despite its apparently positive intentions, the group’s plan has generated intense controversy on different levels. The Jewish Agency for Israel, the official agency for promoting and implementing aliyah, feels that is turf is being invaded, while others have expressed reservations about the ideological and even theological implications of the Christian group’s new mission. Read more: http://jpupdates.com/2014/10/20/evangelical-christian-groups-new-aliyah-effort-raises-jewish-concerns/

Friday 4 July 2014

Same old, same old blood libel

The world's media lost no time in condemning Israel for the "revenge killing" of murdered Arab teen, Mohammed Abu-Khder. Not surprising since Israeli politicians also knee-jerked their condemnations within minutes of the news been relayed... and then promptly withdrew after the Police strongly suggested that the murder was carried out by Arabs http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182432#.U7aeSPmSwhE. Also, no surprise here, the mother of the slain boy has called for violent revenge http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182516#.U7acMvmSwhE - compare and contrast the reaction of the mothers of the three slain Jews (do you really need a link?).

So the truth is already out there - by which I mean that at this moment in time we simply do not know who murdered the Arab boy - but the most likely culprits - according to the Police, are Arabs. But, hey, let's blame the Jews anyway! This brings to mind a very similar blood libel, the "shooting" in 2000 of the other Mohammed (Al-Dura)  http://www.jta.org/2013/05/19/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/no-evidence-that-mohammed-al-dura-died-israel-says.

There are two questions here. First, why do Jews rush to condemn their fellow Jews of the most heinous crimes without first taking the time to find out what happened? Short answer: The Galut (Diaspora) Mentality. But of more interest is: how do we account for the ecstatic media frenzy that seeks to portray us in the most despicable way? Why are they so quick to accuse us of the very crimes that they themselves have perpetrated against us during this long and bitter Exile? (Consider how many times Israel is accused of behaving the same way to the Balestinians (sic) as the Nazis behaved towards us http://blog.adl.org/tags/blood-libel.)

In this week's parsha, Balak, the Gentile prophet Bilaam proclaims (Numbers 22:9) that, "It is a nation that will dwell alone, And will not be reckoned with the nations". This was not simply a statement of fact but a prophecy for all time. It is saying that the Jewish People has been chosen for a singular mission - of bringing G-d's Sovereignty back to the world through personal example, and in order to be able to focus on its mission, it has to be separate from the other nations of the world. Anyone is welcome to join us in fulfilling this mission, but it is not required. You can walk alongside us - by fulfilling the requirements of the Seven Noahide Laws http://www.aish.com/w/nj/For_Non-Jews.html - but we maintain our separateness in reaching the same destination together.

So, why the accusations? Why the gleeful baying at every turn.

The answer, I believe, can be found in the Talmud, (Yoma 54b), where the destruction of the Second Temple is related. It mentions that the wall-mounted, tapestry-like cherubs were paraded and degraded in public after the Temple had been looted. (The original cherubs that covered the Ark had been hidden at the time of the destruction of the First Temple to prevent it falling into the hands of Indiana Jones). Here is how the Talmud records it:

When the gentiles entered the Sanctuary, the saw the Cherubim joined together. They took them to the marketplace, and the said, "These Jews - whose blessing is a blessing and whose curse is a curse - should be involved in these matters (i.e. making graven images)?!" Immediately, they debased them (i.e. the cherubim).

In other words, for those gentiles "They're just like us!" is what gave them the greatest satisfaction. But why? It's because the Will of G-d, which is expressed through the commandments in the Torah, demands moral standards and requirements from all Mankind - whether Jew or Gentile. It means that a human being is never, ever free to do as he or she likes. Rather, he or she must submit his or her will to that of the Creator. And the Jew, as the 'repository' of that Divine Morality is expected to live up to the demands set down in the Torah.

Of course, we can only demand these standards of behavior of others if we ourselves adhere to them. If we do not live by them, why should the gentiles? Furthermore, if they are able to bring us down to the lowest level of human-animal debasement - to make us equal partners in the barbarity of acts they themselves may have perpetrated, then they are not required to take account of our Divine Mission and are free to indulge in their own desires.