Saturday 29 March 2014

A trip to Lizhensk

I must confess that I recently left Israel to travel to Lizhensk for the yahrzeit of the Noam Elimelech (Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk I could have flown directly from Israel but I used the opportunity to go to London first, see my daughter for a few days and then fly from Stanstead for an overnight trip to the kever.

Now, although we don't look too excited in the picture - it was taken at 1.00 a.m. and we weren't in the mood for smiling at the camera - it was, nevertheless, a most wonderful, spiritually enriching experience. From left to right, Simon Stern, Rabbi Mordche Marks, me. Different hats but united by a common purpose!

Thursday 6 March 2014

The Writing is on the (Abattoir) Wall

It is surely only a matter of time before shechita is banned in the UK see this article The 'freedom of religion' argument will simply not wash with a populace that cares even less for religion than it does for going to war on behalf of those lovely Ukranians! And the fact of the matter is that halal is barbaric, so an alliance with the Moslems will only result on everyone going down on the same ship together. When it comes to defending shechita, only the cold hard scientific facts will win through - please G-d!

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Rabbi Kimche's boy!

Our rav, HaRav Alan Kimche, has just sent out the following message and photo that IMHO shines like a beacon of light in the darkness. It concerns his son, JJ Kimche:

Our JJ at the Chareidi rally on Sunday in Jerusalem; 500,000 protesting against the new compulsory conscription laws. When I asked him what he had in mind by attending the rally in uniform, he wrote:

"I went so that people from both sides should see the other side.The hostile Chareidim should see a frum proud soldier standing up for himself, to break the stereotype of 'all the soldiers are kofrim (heretics) and tamei (impure) etc..' And the hostile secular press should see that there are proud committed soldiers who think that the idea of taking boys from the beis hamedrash and throwing them in prison is unconscionable in a Jewish State. Plus I needed a minayn for mincha."

Monday 3 March 2014

Is that my boy?

There was a demonstration yesterday in Jerusalem against drafting yeshiva guys into the army. I can't say for sure but isn't that my son in the top right hand corner standing next to the guy holding a placard?

Finding employment in Israel

Here's a useful site if you are considering moving to Israel, providing information on employment opportunities:

Saturday 1 March 2014

Handy website... I hope not!

If you're planning to move to Israel, you need to be aware of certain unpleasant things. Of course, everything is in Hashem's Hands so there is no need to be worried. But, like all good Scouts, one needs to Be Prepared. Please G-d, may we never have to use this knowledge. Visit the site here: