Monday 3 February 2014

If only our leaders spoke like this...

Seldom is the expression "preaching to the converted" observed more clearly than on the letters page of a newspaper. I often wonder why the people bother to write in and share their views with like-minded people who... share their views. This Post is a case in point. It's from Times of Israel and sums up what - probably - most Israeli's know and feel, but, sadly we say it to each other rather than the people it is aimed at. I guess it just makes us feel a bit better... like screaming into a paper bag.

Greater Men have Tried
Dear Secretary of State John Kerry:

Because of my respect for the United States, I will attempt to afford you the honor you think you so richly deserve. It’s hard to speak to you with anything but anger, hard to feel the need, again, to start from the beginning because you clearly choose to ignore history in your quest for glory. It is a quest destined to fail but its outcome, even, or more accurately especially, in failure, will hurt Israel.

Greater men than you have tried to make, to force, peace on the Middle East. I promise you, you will fail too. You will fail because you are not addressing the root cause of the problem. You, like so many before you, take the easy way out. Blame Israel. It is so easy to do, and so stupid. Read more:

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