Tuesday 4 February 2014

Now hear this!

One of the more confusing aspects of life in Israel is the mobile megaphone. Simply take one car, add a couple of 100dB speakers and mix in a monotonous, droning voice delivering a repetitive soliloquy as it weaves its way around the neighbourhood. Think Bob Dylan  reading the phone directory with his fingers caught in the door.  Due to my poor Ivrit I am unable to work out what's going on - is it good news or bad? Has someone famous died, G-d forbid, or is it warning me to stay indoors because Madonna is paying a visit?

Well, as it happens, I was enjoying a peaceful moment over a cup of tea this morning while engaged in a confrontation with the deadliest biscuits known to man. (The biscuits won, I regret to say). Suddenly, the peace was disturbed by 'that sound'. So, I emailed my friend, Jeremy (that's him in the banner picture at the top of this blog) because he knows everything that's worth knowing (and some things that aren't). Apart from being a very good friend, he is also a highly talented media guy http://www.staimanmedia.com/. (My other friend is a surgeon - you really don't want to see his website.) Jeremy created some terrific marketing stuff in the recent elections and stands to benefit at our expense if the Supreme Court nixes the results due to significant vote rigging. (Why shouldn't the dead be able to vote? We are the Eternal People, aren't we?) Anyhow, I asked him what all the kerfuffle was about and he replied with this helpful insight, which is worth sharing: "One tip that only a veteran oleh would know: if there's music, it's usually not a funeral announcement." 

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